Playing with droplets and macro this month! These were taken with the Composer Proii, Sweet35, 8mm & 16mm macro converters. Next up is the lovely Andrea - follow the links to see what everyone else has been up to with their Lensbabies this month! ♥
"Always do what you are afraid to do" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson I tried something way, way out of my comfort zone this month - I went in front of the lens! Something I don't do readily..... in fact never!!! A lot harder than it looks too. So with camera poised on the edge of the couch and self-timer on, here is what happened!! All taken with my Sony A6000 and Lensbaby Edge50. Click on the link below to follow the circle of Lensbaby Love ♥ Next up is the lovely Jen ♥
I decided to practice my Macro skills with the Velvet 56 this month after viewing a fabulous Kathleen Clemons 'Natural Light Macro Class'. I have only viewed the first couple of lessons but I highly recommend it! Still a lot to learn and more practice to do!! Follow the circle to view some wonderful Lensbaby images from Radhika next ♥
Well, the first buds are budding, the sun is getting a little warmer and the days longer - a sure sign Spring is on her way!! So while we are patiently waiting why not grab a coffee, get comfy and enjoy 'Our Winter with Lensbaby' with myself, Ana, Laura and Pauline - their Lensbaby work is absolutely stunning! Click on the link at the bottom and follow the circle and you will end up back here. [ Images taken with the Velvet56, Sweet35 and Edge50] Next up - the beautiful Ana Rosenberg and her stunning Lensbaby work! ♥
Our first Blog for 2016, when you get to the end follow the link to enjoy the circle and the beautiful images. This month all images have been taken with the Composer Pro II and the Edge 50. Please check out the stunning work now from Justyna and follow the circle ♥
A year in review - 2015 was a bit of a bumpy ride! You really don't know what is ahead do you - so enjoy every minute!! As this year comes to an end I have to say a BIG thank you to Tony and my wonderful family and friends for being there for me over the last few months, between driving back and forth to the hospital, taking me for coffees and helping me stay positive! ♥ Love you ALL! ♥ So.......Goodbye 2015 and Here's to a Happy, Healthy & Peaceful 2016! A slideshow of Lensbaby images from throughout the year, I picked 4 of my favourites from every month, a hard task - so many!! I hope you enjoyed my favourites, head over to see what Jade has been up to this year in her review of 2015. Her work is gorgeous! ♥
I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends for all their love, help and support over the last couple of months - love you all and a BIG thank you!! ♥ Next up.........the beautiful painterly timeless images of Justyna